Thriller Genre Film Types:
- Action
- Horror
- Mystery
- Stalkers
- Phsyco
- Long shots/ Extreme long shots
- Close ups/ Extreme close ups
- Point of view
- Panning
- Diagetic
- Non - Diagetic
- Dialogue
- Monsters
- Blood
- Knifes
- Guns
- Forests
- Graveyards
In terms of editing, most thriller films follow the same conventions. Many of these films use quick cuts, with each cut varying camera angles.
The opening of most thriller films don't usually reveal much of the film's plot, instead they tend to introduce the audience to the setting of the film and minimal characters.
The character(s) featured in thriller films tend to either be 'good' or 'bad'. The good characters are usually the weaker characters and are vulnerable to the bad characters. The bad characters are usually strong, dangerous and mysterious and set out to attack the good characters. Some examples of the type of bad characters featured in thriller films are; criminals, monsters, creatures, stalkers and disturbed individuals.